Um, hi. Long time no see. Ha
I'm sorry but I'm longer writing books and fanfictions really. I've ...just lost a passion for it you know. I just wanted to say if you want to keep up with me any way even though I'm not writing anymore here are my social media's. Most is full of art and some random pictures.
Instagram- @takuma_o.o
Tumblr- @temmonster
Snapchat- @temmiie_2
Umm if you want like anything else dm me I guess. Sorry to dissapoint anyone.
I have a question, do you know soul eater the anime, well I really like your work and I was wondering if you could do a soul x kid fan fiction for me since their aren't many if really appreciate it
Um, hi. Long time no see. Ha
I'm sorry but I'm longer writing books and fanfictions really. I've ...just lost a passion for it you know. I just wanted to say if you want to keep up with me any way even though I'm not writing anymore here are my social media's. Most is full of art and some random pictures.
Instagram- @takuma_o.o
Tumblr- @temmonster
Snapchat- @temmiie_2
Umm if you want like anything else dm me I guess. Sorry to dissapoint anyone.
UGHHHH YOUR FANFICTIONS ARE SO AMAZE BALLS.. I really wish I could write good storys like you, I always get writers block ;^; Anyways really love your stories I hope you continue to write for us :D
I saw you're name and this has nothing to do with anything but I was like yassss dean and cats finally had a child... don't question it I'm weird like that