
Update: Stress in school and exams has been shaking me up a bit so I'll be taking a break from Bride of the Master and write a story I've been wanting to write for a long time. So to the release all the stress I'll be coming on more to write The Exchange of His Life, I'm thinking about changing the title but for now I'm just gonna leave it like that. So anyways hope you all understand, and wish me luck in these dark days until Summer. 14 more days still freedom. YES! So, leaving that at that. Night everyone!


Update: Stress in school and exams has been shaking me up a bit so I'll be taking a break from Bride of the Master and write a story I've been wanting to write for a long time. So to the release all the stress I'll be coming on more to write The Exchange of His Life, I'm thinking about changing the title but for now I'm just gonna leave it like that. So anyways hope you all understand, and wish me luck in these dark days until Summer. 14 more days still freedom. YES! So, leaving that at that. Night everyone!


Hello everyone! sorry I have been gone and not writing a lot lately, mostly because of school. Only a few more months of school and then I'll be on almost all summer. But until then I'll be in the real world trying to survive school. I'll come on now and then trying to finish my stories. Hope you guys understand.


Hello I'm new and for my very first fanfiction I will be doing "Bride of the Master". It's based on DisneyFanatic2364's fanfiction, "Bride of Discord",  except mine will be a Doctor Who version of it. After that then I will be doing prequels and maybe even sequels and then I'll work on other fanfictions from different fandoms. I hope all of you will enjoy the fanfictions that I will be writing.


@Katecat2014 k thanks!! ^w^  ((cool! hi sis))