
          	I believe it's time I tell you all where I've been. 
          	Awhile ago, I lost my password (it's extremely complicated to tell).
          	You will not believe just how long it took for me to retrieve everything I have here.
          	I know, a lot of you believe I'm probably dead and gone but NO!
          	I am so, so sorry that I couldn't reach out sooner. I made some friends here a long time ago, and yes, I still remember those friends with all my heart. I still remember talking with you guys and if you guys still want, I will talk to you again. 
          	But if you've moved on it's okay, I understand. It was my fault for being so unbelievably careless.
          	A lot has changed and I've underwent more than a few changes. Physically and mentally.
          	So again, I really apologise. 
          	Those who I left behind, I never wanted to. I miss you all a lot and I'm sorry for being so stupid and careless but.
          	I... Can't do much now. I'm not at a very... Good point at my life right now. So... I'm sorry I won't be posting stories anymore... But I've looked at all the comments on my stories and maybe. Just maybe I'll come back one day.
          	Thank you for making me smile. And... Thank you so much.
          	I'm so, so sorry.
          	Just know I value all of you. So much.
          	Thank you and... Goodbye.
          	-Jumps out a window.
          	I miss doing that.


@HamsterGamer, Awww that's soooo sweet!!! =3 I hope you keep writing stories! Your Toothless x Reader story I sooo good!!!  I introduced it to some of my friends, and they LOVED it!!!!  You're and amazing person, and you have an extremely creative mind!!! And I hope, for the sake of all of us fans, and you, that you won't abandon your stories! I wish I could write like you, but, enough sappy sweetness, *gags* ok but seriously, it's great gift you have! 
          	  P.S. I LOVE YOUR STORIES!!!!! 


          I believe it's time I tell you all where I've been. 
          Awhile ago, I lost my password (it's extremely complicated to tell).
          You will not believe just how long it took for me to retrieve everything I have here.
          I know, a lot of you believe I'm probably dead and gone but NO!
          I am so, so sorry that I couldn't reach out sooner. I made some friends here a long time ago, and yes, I still remember those friends with all my heart. I still remember talking with you guys and if you guys still want, I will talk to you again. 
          But if you've moved on it's okay, I understand. It was my fault for being so unbelievably careless.
          A lot has changed and I've underwent more than a few changes. Physically and mentally.
          So again, I really apologise. 
          Those who I left behind, I never wanted to. I miss you all a lot and I'm sorry for being so stupid and careless but.
          I... Can't do much now. I'm not at a very... Good point at my life right now. So... I'm sorry I won't be posting stories anymore... But I've looked at all the comments on my stories and maybe. Just maybe I'll come back one day.
          Thank you for making me smile. And... Thank you so much.
          I'm so, so sorry.
          Just know I value all of you. So much.
          Thank you and... Goodbye.
          -Jumps out a window.
          I miss doing that.


@HamsterGamer, Awww that's soooo sweet!!! =3 I hope you keep writing stories! Your Toothless x Reader story I sooo good!!!  I introduced it to some of my friends, and they LOVED it!!!!  You're and amazing person, and you have an extremely creative mind!!! And I hope, for the sake of all of us fans, and you, that you won't abandon your stories! I wish I could write like you, but, enough sappy sweetness, *gags* ok but seriously, it's great gift you have! 
            P.S. I LOVE YOUR STORIES!!!!! 