
Hello everyone! I know I haven't updated in a while but  there is a reason for that. I've been real busy with school and other things but I am happy to say that I did start writing again. I'm writing a new fan fiction that's a BNHA/MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Crossover. You can read it on Ao3 under HarleyHasDied  or check it out under @little__red2692  on Wattpad they are the co-writer. I will also be re-writing Green Devil and The Three Physcopathes are Here. I honest to god hate how bad my writing is in both if those. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Stay safe and have an awesome day. 


@ HarleyHasDied  when will you update again?


Hello everyone! I know I haven't updated in a while but  there is a reason for that. I've been real busy with school and other things but I am happy to say that I did start writing again. I'm writing a new fan fiction that's a BNHA/MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Crossover. You can read it on Ao3 under HarleyHasDied  or check it out under @little__red2692  on Wattpad they are the co-writer. I will also be re-writing Green Devil and The Three Physcopathes are Here. I honest to god hate how bad my writing is in both if those. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Stay safe and have an awesome day. 


@ HarleyHasDied  when will you update again?


Hello everyone, I'm really sorry for not updating in a while. But I am in the process of writing new chapters. I also might be starting a new fic soon. It's going to be a Marvel to BNHA crossover, I don't have a name for it yet but I do know that it's going to be a long one. (If I have the motivation to finish it.) Updates will be soon. If you're looking for a good read I do suggest going to check out @SilverMistAnimeLover, Her stories are amazing and highly recommend them. I hope you all have a nice day!!


Hello Readers, I hope everyone is staying safe with the Coronavirus going around. I also wanted to let the readers of The Three Psychoes are Here know that I might be ending that story I have lost all motivation for it and honestly have no clue what I was doing with it. Also if anyone wants to say Hi you can add me on Telegram I have the same username ElliHasDied. I might also be starting a new story along with Green Devil if anyone is interested. Well I hope everyone is having an amazing day or night. 


@ElliHasDied  awwww i just saw this today and I'm sad cause i really loved your book but i respect your wishes. i hope you have a nice day or night where ever you are  ^.^


@Psyco_kitty_111 I Haven't come up with a name yet but It's going to be a Dadzawa story. If you have any more questions you can contact me on here or on Telegram. ☺


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
I think there's something wrong with me lol. If I get a full night's sleep I'll be so tired the next day to the point where I'll fall asleep in class. But if I don't get a full night's sleep then the next day I will be off the walls, like bat shit crazy. Like crackhead energy radiating off of me. But the other night I got a full nights sleep and was super tired the next day after school I took a 4-hour nap when I woke up I just a ate something real quick then fell back asleep until my dad woke me up the next morning. I can't explain how tired I am like OMG I feel like Aizawa no joke. Ughh. I'm weird IDK why I saying this stuff but ohh well. Lol  have a good days, peeps.  


Hello everyone! I just wanted to say Hi and to also tell you that I might be able to start updating a little faster. There will also be a new chapter of Green Devil coming out really soon I'm in the process of writing it now. I also hope everyone is having a good day or night and that I am very thankful for all the support.


To all my readers of Green Devil and The villain rehab, I am really sorry for not updating I have been really busy with school work and home life at the moment. I can not explain how bad I feel for not posting. I will post as soon as I'm done writing the chapter. I feel so bad and I'm really sorry!


Thank you so much hope you enjoyed chapter 4!!!


@ElliHasDied it's alright
            your health is most important to life so stay safe and stay PLUS ULTRA


Ok so this is to all my lovely followers sorry I have not been posting but the computer I was using to write is in the basement and there are always spiders and centipedes crawling around the desk down there and I can't stand theme and my laptop was broken because all my electronics are never new and come from people throwing them away but I got a new one so yay!! I can write again and I didn't use my phone because my keyboard kept acting up every time I tried to write but I am back. So yeah also should I continue the villain rehab story if so pls tell me. Thanks so much!!!!