
Heyo! Literally almost done with the next chapter of Added! Taking a break and practicing flute a while. Hopefully, I'll have that update out by the weekend. A 3-day weekend awaits me!
          	P.S. You guys know any place where I can play some flute music?


Hey guys! I know I haven't been updating my Minecraft books and I'm sorry! I literally have no excuse this time, so please accept my apology. Anyway, so while I've been procrastinating on those books, I've been working on another anime fanfic behind the scenes. It's a fanfic of the anime, Hunter x Hunter. It's not exactly a mainstream anime but it's such a good anime! Anyway, it may not be up for a while only because I'm preparing several chapters before it goes up so you won't have to wait 'till it comes out. So yeah, I'm planning on just doing alternative updates, switching from the coming fanfic to my MC fanfics. Sorry for the inconvenience.  forgive me?


You know, I find it ironic that you're "Stargazer" and Call your people "stars", and I'm "KellySTAR" and I call my people "Stargazers". Is this some kind of coincidence? :)


haha, wow. thats definitely a coincidence! i didn't know that ;D


SO SO SO SORRY! I haven't been on wattpad in a while. I've got another project to finish plus several tests soon on the same day. I really am trying my best to get on wattpad and update but this is all I can do for now. 
               Don't worry my readers of Added, I promise a long chapter next time. Maybe even a few long chapters for my absence. Thanks so much for reading and I hope you can forgive me for this.