My name is Luisa, but I use Hayley as another name, I am almost 12 years old and I love to read and write.
My pronouns are ~~~~her ~~~~hers~~~~
I support LGBTQIA +, BLM and I am a feminist, so if you are macho, racist, or homophobic, get out of here ;)
You can call me Lulu, or Hayley. Oh, are you sad? I'm always here for anything even if I don't know you XD.
I have a cousin who is here on the wattpad, her user is @Nununotfound, she is making a very good story, so if you want to go and see it, feel free! :)
I really like Harry Potter and Stranger Things!
I think that's it, see you in another world, Goodbye!
  • Brasil, Minas Gerais
  • SumaliApril 7, 2021


1 Reading List