
Oh wow? I got 500 followers? POGGGG


When are you going to continue the story of the bandage which


@Dragons_son1 So, I am really sorry you have been waiting for the chapter to continue on.


@Dragons_son1 I am currently busy with my University live, and also I am lacking of motivation to continue on...what do we call this, oh yeah, writer block.


HIIIIII!!!! You probs don't remember me but I'm M_ROTTEN. You kinda introduced me to Instagram and all as well as idv. I can't get into those account anymore tho cause I lost the passwords *Skull* anyways, I just wanted to say hi because you were the first person who influenced me into playing idv and now I cant get out of it. Wishing you well~~~~ KissesKIsses!!!


OMG You still kept my drawing???! Please,--i lost all my old art and I miss em so bad! I regret deleting them all ToT My little babies XD I don't remember if you're in the NA/EU server or Asia, but I'm in Na/eu, my user is bad_ping_


@Sir_Ottin omg, i remember you gurllll XD. How can I forgot you when I also still keeping your drawing! And you playing IDV since then? Wow ! I'm still playing IDV too, but my new name is Mochi_Keke haha! I wish you well too darling


Hopefully not that many people thought I am dead, but hey, I'm not dead yet (Me drowning in a pile of assignments).  I am obsessed playing with Identity V that my creative juice got wasted away for gamer brain and also, this thing has been going on for a year now, but I also join REALITY apps, where people could pretend to be vtuber, I usually live streaming myself about twice or thrice a week (depend on my surrounding). You guys can find me there if you want how is it going with my life there.
          You can find me there by typing CarnyBunny, originally my name is MurderBunny but due to many people giving negative reactions to my name, I changed into another.
          Okay here the important news, I will have my semester break by next month, during that July I will be massive release updates,s especially From Bunny To Villainess and The Villain is My boyfriend. And also a little bit update for the In Another World, They Called Me The Bandage Witch and My Dollfull Aria.
          I really miss you all, especially whenever I saw my notification update that is filled with your likes and also the comments.


Can I send a pic of 'Bunny to Villainess?' to you?? But how...it seems that the link in ur bio doesn't work:((


@HazehanaMonousagi okay! Thanks:) 
            It's no problem be safe!(◍•ᴗ•◍)♡


@Zach_Layla553 hmmmmm, how about send in at my email here----> flakybunny4594@gmail.com  Sorry for the inconvenience, I kinda in quarantine right now....


Update for bandage witch?


@IDK4name44Z7 working my ass for it ( ;∀;) look forward for this one


@TU95BEAR agreed, HazehanaMonousagi can you pls come back to writing


Hmmm....recently I've been stalked and receive toxic comments a certain person in Instagram. I already block him, but he suddenly create a new account to attack me in every of my post again, I know I;m not popular and neither my drawing too so why bother to attack me? Seriously, I might as well download FindMystalker if this keep going. Sigh.


@HazehanaMonousagi  be careful! I hope everything will be alright, also be careful of using the same name in many accounts and of sharing them for the time being, I hope they keep away from you and not bother you anymore.


@kissyPigsy I did, but they said that account still new and they also said this account doesn't go against community guideline....well I just end up block him. If he come again, I think this guy seriously have some mental obsession issues. =w=


Passive agressive behavior tend to make people turn into cynical personality, I cannot deny it was false when I can be a little snappy in cruel way. But that what happen when people with that kind of mental tend to broke down, we became a little bit rude and unkind with no feeling toward people that was the source of her/ his suffering. But one thing you need to know, unless we are extreme pyschopaths or sociopaths, we in the end feel guilty at our behavior, and making us miserable compare to before.


Ahh, I am being toxic again. Why am I getting irritated and hurt people easily? Just because they just show fancy stuff that not mean for us, I burst out and instantly going straight release at the wrong person.  I never really meant to do that way, but these stack negetive feeling of mine seem pour out the wrong way, and end up turning me into a villain in the media again. People who knew this thing that happened to me probably said, I am being childish and maybe biased or worst racist. But yes, I am wrong, but I am not the type who stay quiet after I saw at what I hate in internet. If I cannot voice my real thought and feeling properly in real life, would it be worst if I cannot release it here, since I end up bottle up this guilty feeling even more. I may passive in real life, but in this virtual world, let me go boss bitch in peaceful way a little bit, so I can feel the freedom of being myself. But, in the end, to end my rage, I have to put my pride away, and bow down to people I don't acknowledge. While in real life, I will just show my middle finger to them, who being desperate of childish victory. It's like in this cyber world, people need to be a good girl or boy, don't bully other, don;t being such a d***k,. I wouldn't being like that if none of them decide to be a troll, fun fact, I am Passive Aggressive, I often hurt myself due to my anger management which release on non-living object around me. So, If I end up hurt because of it, blame at the trigger (the troll). Sorry, if I balbbering out of nowhere instead update new chapters, I've been busy and I don't exactly have a friend here to share what I have been feeling nowadays. Sometime, I feel suffocated, but I just bottle up as usual and finally release it whether good or bad way. Thank you for reading, and I am sorry.