
Khadijah fought off the woman who had tackled her. The tall teen stood up swiftly and looked at the disheveled woman in front of her.
          	"Lady, you've got one minute to explain why the hell you attacked me," Khadijah growled while grabbing the woman by the collar. 
          	"T-take this," the woman whispered quickly and looked around in a shifty manner. She shoved a USB into Khadijah's hand and added, "Y-y-you didn't give up o-on him. H-he didn't g-give up on you." 
          	With that the woman ran towards an awaiting car, climbed in and sped off.
          	Khadijah frowned as she looked at the USB in her hand along with initials carved on it's steel surface.
          	"C. Kellar? What the hell, lady?" Khadijah frowned. 
          	(Just another sneak peek from the upcoming chapter!) 


I can't wait 


Oooooooo I simply can’t wait!!! Shukran JAK 


Asalamu alikum sister, I want to form an Instagram wattpad sister community could you help me by promoting this and giving Instagram ID? This is all for sake of Allah and will help in shaa Allah change future as 2 minds think better than 1 ! 


You are such an underrated writer. You deserve millions of reads and so much more. Fell in love with your story, ,"I Am Jinn". So glad I read it. Captivated me from the 1st chapter. A truly underrated gem. ❤️❤️❤️ It deserves millions of read. I'm not sure if you have plans to update it in future. Regardless, I just want to know that you are a brilliant writer and I love your narrative style. The way you intertwine Greek mythology, Jinn, Angels and Islam in this story is just incredible. And the cliffhangers Going to check your other stories. ❤️


As'salam alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh sister, you've done an amazing job 
          I just want to know if you're okay since it was last year you last update your stories, I pray may Allah be with you through every hurdles of your life


Hi! Didnt realize i could message you here! Any updates on i am jinn? Either way i feel like had i ever had the chance to meet you we would have been good friends! Haha i say it lightly but born and raised in US now moved to UK and well traveled, all your words speak to me so well i feel like i know you through myself ❤️ Keep up the great work sis.


Salaam, I just want to k if ur going to update the covert as I've read the terrorist and it's spectacular and I really want to read the nxt book but only if it will be completed, pls complete it


@huda_786 aaaaaaahhhhhh, yay, love ur stories and no worries, everyone goes through their issues ❤


@huda_786 Hi! Sorry for being AWOL. I had some things going on in my life with Covid and everything. I should be updating Convert soon.