
this message may be offensive
Hey guys, so everyone is asking when I'm going to update Karma's not a Bitch, She's a Player. Well recently school just started back, cheer practice just started back again and I just found out I made homecoming court. So I have a lot to do as of right now. So for the next 2 weeks Karma's not a Bitch, She's a Player is on hold. I am so sorry! 


this message may be offensive
Hey guys, so everyone is asking when I'm going to update Karma's not a Bitch, She's a Player. Well recently school just started back, cheer practice just started back again and I just found out I made homecoming court. So I have a lot to do as of right now. So for the next 2 weeks Karma's not a Bitch, She's a Player is on hold. I am so sorry! 


Hey hey guys! So, I kinda of told some people that I would be posting chapter 4 of Karma's not a Bitch, She's a Player tonight, but sadly that's not the case. I have a lot to do right now. I am extremely busy! So sadly I want be able to post until sometime between Thursday and Sunday. I'm so sorry, but please try to be patient and understanding. Thank you all!