Well, I love reading. A normal sized book for me is a......... thousand-page book? More? Don't know exact But I love royal history and drawing and manga (NaLu forever). I have ADHD so if I don't update soon don't blame me blame the stupid distractions in ADHD. Also, I have a slight time problem when writing, one paragraph=three hours. Unless it's something I really love. My favourite thing is when people are like "hey, what books are you reading now?" And than I list 15 books 3 manga series' and 20 different comic book characters, and they're like "??????".

Also, I'm sexually attracted to pans 💖💛💙 and am an arovauge mess 😋 (but honestly who isn't a mess??)
  • canada
  • BergabungMarch 29, 2016

Cerita oleh HerMyOne
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Mages, Wizards and Witches
Lucy is hanging out with natsu and suddenly disappears and is replaced with a boy with shaggy black hair roun...
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Fairy Tails Dragon Goddess
One day Natsu gets drunk and goes to Lucy's. And something happened. When Lucy goes to the guild to tell Nats...
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