
Story idea: humanity finds aliens but they turn out to be sentient crabs
          	As they say, all roads lead to crab


I have a friend whose feeling very depressed and needs some love, so please go follow @darksun2011. She’s aiming for 1k followers and I may or may not have promised for her to get that many before the earth is consumed in a fiery death by our sun. Personally though, I don’t think she’d care by then as her fossils are turned to ashes. Maybe I should do it by the time she dies instead. What’s an appropriate time frame?


@darksun2011 That’s pushing the limit. Stuff that will take over a week should have a ridiculous timeframe otherwise where’s the fun? Right now, I’m going for when I finally finish the top I’m making


Recently I’ve come to the realization that wow, I seem to know a lot of depressed people. So I’ve come up with a challenge. Name one thing that made you happy today, no matter how insignificant it may seem
          Mine is that in theatre, we’re practicing stage combat and I’m partnered with my friend that’s at least half a foot taller than me. It makes me smile every time when he’s throwing punches that, just for a moment, I get to look down on him. It’s a great feeling since he seems so fond on reminding nearly Christmas to be careful not to be kidnapped by Santa, lest I end up in his workshop. It’s the small stuff that counts


@HereComesDaSun22 It does kinda need context, basically in our school system we have this weird math system where ninth grade math is basically Integrated Math I and then there’s two, three, pre-calculus, and then two levels of AP calculus. I’m in pre-calc, and in the scratch paper bin, there was a paper with numbers that have faces on them, and I basically joked about it being Integrated -5, which doesn’t exist but if it did it would be elementary school math. It’s literally a joke that only people who have Integrated Math in their school would get. Aka just my school.


Recently I’ve realized I’m not content staying agnostic, and I’m really tired of trying to fit my circular self into the square hole of Christianity. Because of that, I’ve decided to start exploring other religions (or not religions) to see what actually speaks to me. 
          I’d love to hear what (not) religion everyone is subscribed to and their basic beliefs and understanding of it. It’d also help if you said what sect or group of that religion. Ex: I used to be a Methodist Christian. 
          Christians can still say stuff obviously as I’m not ruling out any possibility. Also, it’s just nice to have someone to explain stuff too, even if they probably won’t choose it anyways. 


@HereComesDaSun22 no yeah religions are cults in my eyes, anything that requires people to follow something blindly and has horrible punishments for not following them is a cult to me- i grew /am growing up in an extremist religious household that /is/ a cult by all meanings of the word, its pretty much the same thing (no hate to religious people who are geniunely religious and not trying to control other people with religion)


@Always_Indigo You have your own problems, but it’s not like you’re worse than Mormans. Personally, I believe in Schrödinger’s Cult where every religion simultaneously is and is not a cult and vise versa, but they act like y’all just murdered their puppy every time they see someone wearing a hijab


@HereComesDaSun22 Exactly, it's so annoying and awful, as well as the stigma around us as criminals and terror!sts, they make it sound like a cult instead of just another religion


Can we take a moment to appreciate Dust (third book in the Silo Series)
          I mean, how many books do you get to read that are super serious with important themes and messages while also getting an episode of a detective show in the middle of all of that? It’s like, will we or won’t we all die of a revolt because the political climate? 
          “We interpret your book with another episode of The Silo Detective.”
          “I’m a grizzled old sheriff that just need to make it 2 more years until my retirement, 2 more years of a hopefully boring existence. Unfortunately, they’ve discovered a dead body. Pretty open and shut murder case, but that stupid rookie all the viewers probably love is trying to tell me how to do my job. Ugh, youth. Too bad he’s right and now I’ve got a person I thought was dead and is actually alive, a different dead body, and a case of identity theft.”
          “The Silo Detective, new episodes airing on Sundays at 7pm. Back to your scheduled programming.” 
          Oh my gosh, they’re going outside! Now everyone’s going to die! 


Today I went out with my mom to get a dress for my quince and we surprising found one for only 200 dollars (very cheap considering my neighbors are looking at $700 ones; dresses are very expensive apparently). It’s very nice, but the place we’re holding the party in is very cold despite the 100 degree weather outside when we’re hosting it. For that reason, I wanted to make myself a little sweater that goes over the dress but mostly just covers my arms and upper back (idk what it’s called). I can’t seem to find any patterns though, and I was just wondering if anyone did have any crochet patterns. If you don’t but know someone that might, it’d also be helpful. 
          This was a lot longer than I expected it to be, but thanks! 


I officially hate hiking. First I reached the top sobbing, barely able to walk because I forgot my inhaler and it hurt to breathe then my dad jumped off a rock and ended up having to be taken down the oversized pebble in a jeep after falling down ten feet. 
          Never again


@HereComesDaSun22 I also hate hiking with an undying passion.


@HereComesDaSun22 aagh I hate hiking too but the only time I’ll ever like it is if I don’t have my family on my back 
            Which is never so fun :(


Today at lunch with my two guy friends, Friend (who people have assumed I’m dating), and Nerd
          Me: something something, Valentines Day Massacre
          Nerd: You know, I actually thought you and Friend were dating 
          Friend and Me: No!
          Friend: That’s actually really funny since I thought you and her were dating 
          Me: Will y’all just stop assuming I’m dating every guy I’m friends with
          Nerd: She wouldn’t be able to handle all the nerdiness 
          Jokes on them, I’ve had more girlfriends than theirs combined. It’s one, but it’s still more than them! 
          And to my credit, I would be able to handle all his nerdiness. After all, I’m the one that asks him to yap when no one’s saying anything. Plus, those gorgeous blue eyes and long lashes of his certainly help. Anyways, I’d just like to send out a reminder to the universe that just because I’m friends with someone doesn’t mean I want to date them 


@AnikaSN1098 for me it’s just never getting liked back 
            … it’s getting depressing


@HereComesDaSun22 Ugh, I hate when that happens. I’m continually being shipped with a guy I’m good friends with because we talk a lot and we’re both Indian. Thankfully the other guy I’m friends with isn’t shipped with me anymore, but it’s still annoying.


When the book you’ve had a hold on for 6 months is finally available but you need to verify your card first but can’t remember which library card you were using because you have like 5 since you keep losing them 


@HereComesDaSun22 Aw that sucks 
            Would you believe my parents refuse to let me hangout at a library for a day 
            Like I’m responsible
            Only they have to worry abt are too many books


@sardas214 You’d think, but then I did the idiotic decision of deleting one of my cards because I realized I had 2, one of which didn’t need to be verified, but now I have one card that needs to be verified and no holds or loans from that library. To make matters worse, I can’t remember the titles I had on hold