
Welp it's time to go back to school ;-;
          	Ik I was planning on updating and I'm working on it but since I'm a procrastinator, Ima not say Ima have chapter out. Since I'm going back to school, hopefully that'll spike my creativity cause I already have an idea for another story. 
          	Anyways, good luck to those goin back to school too and don't die from homework. Be careful, school's mad.
          	Abuse for


Hey Beetle! It is me Alaina. We haven’t talked in a while and I actually remember you. I really hope you remember me. Til later ~Alaina


Hey! Long time no speak bud! How are you doing? Cause on my way to my doom...;-; I’m gonna get a flu shot now...half way through winter...but apparently flu season can go to May or longer...;-; hello crying babies


Welp it's time to go back to school ;-;
          Ik I was planning on updating and I'm working on it but since I'm a procrastinator, Ima not say Ima have chapter out. Since I'm going back to school, hopefully that'll spike my creativity cause I already have an idea for another story. 
          Anyways, good luck to those goin back to school too and don't die from homework. Be careful, school's mad.
          Abuse for


*bounces off the walls in excitement and happiness* Hey guys, Beetle here! *flashback: 10 minutes earlier* Suri! Pull up my follower count!
          Suri: Follower count is currently at 49. 1 away from 50 followers.
          *eternal gasp(well, 10 minutes really)*
          Guys, thank you so so soooooo much!!!! You have no idea how HAPPY(heh..heheh...hehhhh....PLZ DON LEAVE) this makes me! I mean, 49 followers 8 months into being on Wattpad!!! THIS IS CRAZY SOON! Honestly, if there was a Wattpad members meet and greet, I'm pretty sure I'd be that kid in that Emo corner with her few close friends from irl. *ahem* getting sidetracked! Anyways, the reason why I'm posting this is cause I'm going to be doing a Q&A when I get 1 more follower. So I'm going to put the Q&A in the Book Of Tags(Ima rename it so it won't be the same but you'll still know which one it is) so keep an eye out for that. I will answer any questions that I feel comfortable with answering, I don't want to answer anything that I feel is revealing too much of my private and personal life. I hope you understand. Until then, thank you so much and I'll see ya later! Bye~!


Hey guys, Beetle here! Sorry about not being able to post a lot! I've just been really busy with school and final exams right around the corner. Anyways, I'm really excited to say that I'm going to be doing a 50 followers special to celebrate, obviously, 50 followers and I was wondering if any of you guys had any suggestions for it. There might be some stuff that might be vetoed because I want to keep private info(name, face, etc.) that I want to keep private for now, but I'll most likely be doing those in the future when I feel comfortable with sharing the info. Thanks for understanding and I'll be posting more during summer, I promise! Make sure to leave a suggestion for the special! Bye guys! Beetle, OUT!


@Roxie_SouthPaw thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me! I always thought that I was an ok writer, but reading comments like these and almost having 50 followers makes me wanna cry. I can't thank you and all my other followers enough for all of the support you guys give me! I'm thinking of doing something for my 50 followers special because it means so much to me that I'm actually noticed(I'm very antisocial so people, including my friends and family, don't even notice when I leave the room; or fast anyways)! Words are meaningless compared to the amount of happiness and self confidence I gained from this one comment and the other many. Again, thank you SO MUCH! I know I'm rambling but you guys mean everything to me and I don't even know how to start to repay you. I'll hopefully be updating my stories soon, possibly in summer. Thanks again! Bye! ^σ^