
PSA! I updated chapter one to Kidnapped. I just added some stuff to make the story a little Smoother, so don't forget to go check it out!


Okay! Wow, things have been all over the place with Kidnapped and I know I was kinda indecisive about it. But! I HAVE republished it! Again! Haha yeah im sorry, about how bipolar ive been with it lately, but it is indeed up and im actually planning on keeping it up this time! Its just the first three chapters that are up as I am editing the chapters written while i have writers block for the story. hopefully after reading back through it and editing it, ill be able to figure out how i want to execute what i want to do with it. but for now the first three chapters are up and again if youve already lead it, give it another read as some things have changed. i know this is a long note so if you made it to here then kudos to you, you win 384 cats, take care of them all please.
          Again thanks so much for your patience and for reading


okay fam, bear with me i know i said that i was republishing Kidnapped and I did for a little bit, but i have just lost inspiration in it. i have unpublished it again and im sorry for those of you who have enjoyed it. but i am not deleting it completely. i have decided to re write some of it into a short story to put in Book of A Thousand Tales.
          thanks for reading and for your patience


Alright fam, the time has come. I have indeed republished Kidnapped. It's just the first chapter for now but it is up. I mentioned in the authors note that there were probably going to be slow updates and that I was going to be changing some bits. So if you've already read what I had before I unpublished it, I would recommend you give it another read as some thing will be different. Well that all I have for you! If you have any questions, comments concerns about anything or you want to suggest something to happen in the story feel free to let me know! 


Heeyyyy Fam! So I just updated a bunch of stuff on kidnapped. They're mainly authors notes but anyways you should go check them out! And tell your friends! And hug a cat! Okay you don't have to hug a cat but it's highly recommended. Ooookkkaaayyyy Bye for now! 