Hi! I just wanted to inform you that I recently read another book that is exactly like yours, My Pet Mate, which I had read before. As I was reading, it kept reminding me that I had actually read it before. At first, I thought I was rereading your book, but then I realized it had a different title, and the character names had just been changed. However, the story and plot are exactly the same as yours. The book I read is My Rogue Alpha by zarryplay1950. You can find it in their profile section under that title. This is a very serious case of plagiarism. I also checked the timeline of your posts and saw that you started your book in early 2021, whereas that person only published theirs after 2022. I’m happy to inform you about this so you can take action. Hopefully, you can track down the person who copied your work.

Also, that person mentioned that it’s not their original story—they just wanted to convert it into an LGBT version. This made me wonder if they ever asked for your permission to do so. In my opinion, this is a huge offense. This is your work, something you put so much effort into publishing on Wattpad. I truly appreciate your writing and hope you are still active in the Wattpad community. I’ll be eagerly waiting for your new books! It would make me even happier to read more of your amazing work. I hope you’re still around in the Wattpad world!