Strictly fiction, mostly short stories and/or one-shots of my personal characters. 

Usually, each collection goes in chronological order from when they were younger to present day which means between each story/one-shot within the collection, there may be a small or massive time skip.

If it's confusing, don't worry, I am working on figuring out how to explain this without changing the story or putting too many author notes in the beginning. Just for the time being, bear with me and expect a skip from anywhere between a week to years.

Thank you!
  • انضمJanuary 10, 2018


الرسالة الأخيرة
HolographicAnxiety HolographicAnxiety Aug 22, 2020 05:49AM
Finally, James gets his own thing! I am still very heavily working on the new piece of writing that I have that deviates entirely from Finches and that world setting but as it's currently at 100k +...
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ranking #328 في collectionofshortstories إظهار جميع المراتِب
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