
Chapter three of Darkness is 6,000 words and counting. I’ve always wanted to write longer chapters and readers always wanted longer chapters too. It’s honestly been so nice to sit and just write. I’m starting to feel like myself again, and I couldn’t be any happier. 


I’m so close to finishing the chapter and I’m so flipping pumped my dudes 


Chapter three of Darkness is 6,000 words and counting. I’ve always wanted to write longer chapters and readers always wanted longer chapters too. It’s honestly been so nice to sit and just write. I’m starting to feel like myself again, and I couldn’t be any happier. 


I’m so close to finishing the chapter and I’m so flipping pumped my dudes 


Every book I’m reading is killing Carl and I can’t HANDLE THIS PEOPLE. 
          Just another reason I’m getting back into writing (: Carl Grimes story was NOT finished, and I plan to somehow make it up to people who believe what I believe 


If anyone’s wondering my thoughts on tonight’s episode - I wish I could go back in time. I’m still sobbing but I’m happy. I’m happy Chandler gets to move on with his life and become something greater in his life and allow his career to prosper. I love you guys, and I will forever love Carl Grimes.