
Hongmom-oppa, I need help...
          I got a new home room and I really like my home room teacher and the guys in my class but...
          I have no close friends in my class and I have "Queen Femal Dog" to deal with instead. I can switch home rooms to be with my friends, but I don't want to have all the mean guys in the other class to deal with nor do I want to leave my current home room teacher because I love her. 
          I NEED HELP MOM!


@iamnotinteresting611 Woah... real complicated question. Good thing you came to the brainy one ;) 
            In my opinion, mean guys are equally as bad as female dogs, but it seems like you really enjoy your current home room :) And also the guys are quite nice, same goes for your teacher. So I suggest you just stay in your current home room. Female dogs... well... will be female dogs. It's best to just ignore them, and I'm pretty sure they will leave you alone. And as for your friend... she seems cool to me too, and yes 50 percent chance she will go back to her clan, but it is up to her to decide on who she wants to stay with. If she was smart enough (not saying she isn't) , she would see that going back to the clan wouldn't benefit her at all and it would just influence her badly, but it really is up to her to decide. If she does ever leaves you for the clan, it's okay. Try making friends with the guys in your class, or maybe someone else in the school :) It takes much courage, but I believe you can do it ;)
            But really, I can't really decide for you since it is your life and not mine. If you're happy with where you are now, then stay. But if you're not, then leave. Just like me! :) Left Yg for Cube and now I'm happy with where I am now ^^ I left my Ikonic friends behind, but it was for the best. I'm sure your friend would understand if you talked it out. 
            So it really depends, but if I were you I would stay :) Your happiness and your well being are the most important. Good luck and stay happy :) Fighting! ♡
            P.S : So sorry for only replying now :( So many music shows and interviews to attend.


And there is also this other girl who I got to talk to more during the last week of school and she's cool and I don't wanna leave her, but I'm afraid she might go back to Female Dog and them again because she left them and I'm not sure if she'll stay with me or not. But she seems cool and I don't wanna leave her alone


How would you feel about adopting a 10th kid? And by that I mean, Mom can I be a part of the family. 


@Giantmaknae_wooseok  I'm the golden maknae baby. Nothing you can do about it  right mummy? 


Oppa ? How to get a perfect abs ?? I really need it tho..But , this lazy ass just won't let me do it...


@yysirz many numberr.....I'll try oppaa...And..I love You~~~


@yysirz Hehe... it will be difficult if you're lazy!!! ^^ But it's okay! It happened to author-nim too. I recommend you do 30 knee crunches, 30 cross crunches, 20 leg raises, 20 cycling cross crunches, 30 flutter kicks, 20 heel touches, 60 sec plank and 20 supermen. It takes a least 5 minutes a day, but some are beginners so they take a longer timing, but it's okay, as long as you do it consistantly once a day. I'm not really sure if it will work cause author-nim gave up half way through, so I don't know if it's effective. But go ahead and try it and tell me the results in one months time ^^


your dedication and hard work as a mom is admirable . much respect for , momma , my role model 


@fckoffsenpai If only there was a like button :') 


@minhyuk_rocky /gives food/  \\(^_^)