
Y'all, if I can get Wattpad to stop bugging, I'll have a new chapter posted for Sk8er Boi 2. I literally have it ready to go, but it keeps deleting my Authors Note at the end . Once I have that resolved ... ITS GO TIME. 


Imma be so real with y'all for a second. I've been working on an update for Skater Boi 2 for the past month now and have rewritten the chapter AT LEAST  5 times now because I'm not liking the way its going or I feel like somethings just not flowing right. Idk what it is because I want to update chapters for this book sooooo bad, and it's also WAY overdue. I just wanted y'all to know that I haven't forgotten about it, and I have been working on it. So, hopefully, I can get my ass in gear and stick with a storyline and start pumping out more chapters soon. 


@DecayedHivling I love the book take your time I'll be waiting for an update ❤️


One of the things holding me back with updating "Sk8er Boi 2" is how far behind I am timeline wise and the fact that I have like 10 different storylines I've thought to go with for the book but don't know which one to go with. And it's even more difficult because I don't want to ask you guys too much in fear of giving too much away with what I may have planned. I just don't know if I should do a big ass time skip or not because I think I'm like 2 years behind at this point...


@DecayedHivling if doing a time skip helps you, do it. I don't really care either way, I'll still read it no matter what. It's all about whatever helps you.


I wouldn’t mind a time skip! It’s a good story I think any time line would blend together just fine 


@DecayedHivling I wouldn't mind a time skip to today


Having multiple storyline ideas for the 4 stories I'm trying to update but not knowing which ones to stick with will be the death of me...


@McKenna6996 It's a struggle fr :(


@DecayedHivling i feel you there. I haven't updated my story in a while because I have no idea or storylines for it 