
****Quick change!!!****
          	Instead of keeping my short story book and deleting my short story/poem book, I will be deleting both. :> Sorry for changing that, but I find that neither need to stay up. They're both terrible and need to not be up and available for people to read! Lol


          	  Whatever you want to do they're your stories. Even though I haven't read them I'm sure they were amazing even if you said they weren't.


          	  They were not terrible! But hey if thats what you feel you gotta do, do it!


****Quick change!!!****
          Instead of keeping my short story book and deleting my short story/poem book, I will be deleting both. :> Sorry for changing that, but I find that neither need to stay up. They're both terrible and need to not be up and available for people to read! Lol


            Whatever you want to do they're your stories. Even though I haven't read them I'm sure they were amazing even if you said they weren't.


            They were not terrible! But hey if thats what you feel you gotta do, do it!


(@) graphic-hawk - Your stories and talented writing inspired me and kept my spirits up, while being entertaining and enduring while I had no motivation or inspiration for my own writing. Thank you!! 
          Now, there are many others that fully supported and enjoyed my writing, especially recently (which idk how, my writing is TERRIBLE from back then), and I truly appreciate the support you've given and shown. Keep enjoying the chapters if you so wish, they'll be up for that purpose. There's nothing worse than going to read something you love, written online by someone you enjoy reading the works of, only to find their books and chapters and, well, EVERYTHING, gone. I've had that happen more than a time or two, and I don't wish to do the same. All my writing will be out for the ones who like it, support it, or even for those who wish to comment hate on it. Either way, as said previously, those works will stay available. Everyone who has supported this beginning journey of mine: THANK YOU. 
          From the bottom of my heart, thank you. 
          Now. Some will perhaps ask where my new writing will be? Surprise, you don't get to know! I love you all dearly, but I don't wish to bring my past life of writing into my new. I especially don't wish this to follow me as I grow. New beginnings, new growth, new experiences. I will still log on every once in a while to check comments and reply, but nothing more than that. This account will stay this account, and unless you're already following my other account (there are some exceptions for you special SPECIAL people!), everything, including my followers and fans, stay on this account. Start fresh. 
          So, with that being said. My lovelies, I love you VERY VERY much, and appreciate you all. I wish only the best for you guys and your futures!! <33333 
          Finally, goodbye, my dear friends.


            Gurl. I might cry-


My fans, my readers, my followers, ANYONE. You have all helped me grow, become the writer that I am, and appreciate the art and community in writing. I am growing my skills, experience, and knowledge in writing, English, and literature, and I never would have stuck with it as I have, so passionately, without the past how many years writing about what I have and writing where I have. This app has made me the writer I am, the writer I was, and will be a stepping to stone to the writer I will be in the future. Thank you, so very much for supporting me, commenting on my posts and chapters. Thank you for voting and saving the books. I get notifications for ALL of it. It is truly what kept me going for as long as I did. I owe everything to your guys' time and support and love. Thank you SO much, all of you!! 
          (I'm not crying you're crying) 
          **Special Shoutouts** 
          To those I simply want to shout out, for being there for me, please consider supporting these writers: 
          Of COURSE you have to be at the top, my beautiful Savannah <3 (@MyShoeGoBye - Savannah Georgia) 
          (@) Sp1keySh4d0w - Thank you so so much for all the support you offered (on both your accounts)!! 
          (@) Abyss_the_reader - Thank you for supporting me in the ways you have, offering your time to read, comment, and support my writing!! I hope you find your way in your writing as well! 
          (@) FairyBreadMan - How could I NOT include you in here! I love you so very much for your texts, comments, support, and time!! <3 (I loved your chapters. I hope you find your way in writing as well!) 
          (@) Ocean_friendly - You probably won't even see this, I feel like I hardly ever see you active on here anymore, but regardless, I appreciate your early and long lasting support as well. I loved your comments and our shorter texts! 
          Lastly, while I know you never read my stories or supported me in that way, you were a bigger inspiration to me than you'll probably ever know or realize. (@) graphic-hawk 
          1/2 goodbyes


            No problem. I do have one question; would you still be able to read my stories or are you not comfortable with that. If not, it'll be ok. Thank you for the shout out and I will always support your stories and creativity!!




this message may be offensive
With all of that being said, I am done with this account. I am blooming and moving forward in my faith and beliefs, I no longer feel okay or remotely comfortable writing about gay sex, gay relationships, or anything along those lines. 
          Any writing I do will be on my Neobook account, or on my other (my old second, now my new main) Wattpad account for those who live somewhere where Neobook isn't available (hello Bep). So, with this, here is how it's going to go. 
          1) My Boys One Shot book will be completed and staying up and available. 
          2) My Ego One Shot book is still completed and staying up and available. 
          3) My Boys Fanfic book 1 and the sequel will be completed (if not already, simply posted as completed, even if it's still in the middle of the story), and also stay up and available. 
          4) My book with one chapter, the Ego Holidays book, will be kept up and available. It will stay one chapter, and be completed as is. 
          5) Short Shit and Mini Stories will also be completed, and kept up and available. 
          6) Isn't You (Danti book) will be completed as is (practically incomplete) and be up and available. 
          **Everything that will be deleted** 
          Dancing Duo (will be transferred to the other account)
          Life Behind a Smile (will be deleted permanently, or privately written on paper for myself)
          Arthur Morgan's Story (will be continued on my other account)
          Away (transferred as well)
          My short stories and poem things (some chapters will be personally written on paper, but the digital version will be deleted completely)
          House of Leaves Quotes (simply unneeded)
          Book Library (will be under my blog, periodically updated, all on my Neobook account)
          To Love and To Hold (will be transferred to my other account and also integrated into Dancing Duo)
          Emotional One Shots (will be deleted permanently) 
          Any and all drafts that haven't been posted prior to today, including any future stories I had planned. 
          Announcement 2/2 (a final goodbye will be posted, related to but not a part of this)


            Thank goodness!❤❤


@MyShoeGoBye don't worry!! You'll still be able to read that haha 


@HorseySoul1 You honestly scared me when I saw the Arthur Morgan story under the deleted (before I finished reading the ()'s)!!


.. . .I just spent the past 20 minutes writing this announcement, and my computer crashed. I might start crying. 
          Here's the deal. I'm done writing. 
          That's a lie. I'm writing as a career; I'm definitely NOT done writing.
          Here's what IS happening. I am no longer going to write on this account. Listen, I adore writing. But I was going through phases on this account. I have learned everything about writing and book writing I know from this account, and my time writing what I have FOR this account. But everything must come to an end at some point. I loved, and still love, the egos (JSE Egos) and the stories I made of them, and I still adore watching the boys. But my phase of writing anything gay has come to an end. A full dead stop. While I'm not saying gay writing is "bad" writing, my heart deems my own writing bad for writing anything that doesn't follow God's word and will. Yes, I know. People despise anyone Christian, they judge us, and I understand why fully. Most Christians are pushy, and judgey (not a real word, but bear with me here), and "follow this" "follow that" "do this" "you can't do that." Yes, we follow the Bible. But half of Christianity is following the Bible, while half of "Christianity" is actually the religions, which are completely made up and have made their own Bibles and rules. I do not judge. I surely do not judge the lgbtq. I literally wrote about gay sex. I have no room to slander even IF I wanted to. But I find guilt in what I chose to write. But while I have found my way into a new blooming faith that has consumed every bit of my past, and has turned me to look toward the future, I do not regret writing what I did, simply because it has kept me inspired for so long, which in turn let me learn more and more about writing as I needed. I wouldn't be even CLOSE to where I am had I never written the fanfictions and gay one shots. I am not proud of it, but I do not regret my journey. 
          Announcement 1/2


            I could not have said it better! I don't hate you, (you meaning the community, as long as you haven't said something to piss me off) I just hate myself for writing what I did. And I honestly considered deleting my book more times than I could count, but people seemed to have enjoyed it so I'm mentally battling myself to keep it up. Plus all the help you contributed to that book was an unbelievable amount and also for that reason do I want to keep it up.
            Okay sorry for my rant but yes, I completely agree. You have a wonderful future ahead of you and you wanna keep the past in the past.❤❤


@MyShoeGoBye yes!! It's not like I judge that community, you know? It's literally what got me writing XD I've just. . .moved on is all!


            I honestly so get the old gay books, I also look back now and see how wrong I was, but like you said, it was a phase back then. It's in the past, don't let it eat at your wonderful future ahead!


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Alright everybody, here's what's happening! 
          You'll notice (if you're reading it, of course) that I switched "Part One - Chapter One" to "-Part One-" and "Chapter 1" in the Arthur Morgan book. This is because I'm figuring out layouts and how I want to set up my book. 
          Secondly, you'll notice that I changed Journal Entries. I had posted Blackwater Journal Entry II, however I'm switching it from "Four-Seven" to "Four-Five". I am doing the last two entries into two separate parts. This makes it easier to post a journal entry part in between each chapter, no matter if it's only one every time or more than one. It won't be one single entry every chapter, otherwise I don't think I'd ever make the journal fit within the book! 
          Finally, you'll notice that I'm posting three chapters/parts, all one hour apart (save for the "Part One" I mentioned earlier). Reason is that they're done. They're written, and edited, and I was feeling quite productive and they're ready to go! I wanted to make it my goal to work on this book as much as I could while on break. For each of these full chapters (not the journal entries) taking up four or more hours to write alone, not even proofreading, I'd say I'm doing good! Lol 
          One last comment. . .I realize now that I am SIGNIFICANTLY more productive at night. My fam went to sleep around 9ish, I've been writing since, and I only now finished at almost 2am exactly (not including the time I'm taking to write this post. It's 2:22am exactly rn)! So, take it from me, I work hard for this shit!!! 
          I love you all so so very much, and I'll be watching for comments on all books! <333333


            As long as you got some!


@MyShoeGoBye I did get sleep!! I promise lol I went to bed around 2 and got up at about 8


            I love how you found when youre productive! Just make sure youre getting sleep at some point! Love you! <33


Y'all my Wattpad is being weird! I swear I posted those journal chapters and it said they were drafts??? I also forgot to post chapter three yesterday after I finished editing- 
          But I posted them! I got it done, so enjoy! 


            I saw that when it was posted and was confused but i was like okay


Long awaited by not only some of you, but me as well. . . .
          Two Arthur Morgan stories are going up fifteen minutes apart! Now, they're not continuing on after chapter two yet. After figuring out a layout for further editing, Arthur's journal entries WILL be included! So, I'm adding the first two today! 
          The first one will be posted at 8:30pm CST, and the second at 8:45pm CST, both TONIGHT. I'm still working on the edit of chapter three, so that won't be out until (hopefully) tomorrow. Perhaps tonight if there isn't much to edit. 
          LOVE YOU ALL! <33333


@MyShoeGoBye Thank you, dear, but I was really only quoting from the journal in rdr2! Haha


            Oh my gosh! Its so good, I love it so much!!


          I have about a week or so until my Thanksgiving break! November 18th–26th, I have a thanksgiving break from College. Do you know what that means? Writing time! 
          So, right now, I plan to write as much as I can while still balancing some rest. Even my professors have suggested taking some rest time during this. So, with this, I will be writing and getting as much as I can on my Arthur Morgan book, as well as a couple chapters of my anonymous love book! I'm super-duper excited, since I have an actual set out plan for the Arthur Morgan project! 
          Buckle your britches and strap on your seatbelts, cause I'm hoping to drop quite a few chapters within those eight days! 
          Love you all, and you'll from me again that week! Love you all my little sprouts <33333