Well, here we are. I am very pleased to make the acquaintance of your lovely self. And I am very honoured that you are choosing to spend your time reading these words.
Now, to get to business, my name is Megan; I'm eighteen. Upon first glance, I may appear to be completely sane and reserved. Upon the following few glances, the same impression stands. It is only when we are firmly friends that I begin to, shall we say, lose my mind. Or rather, expose how lost my mind already is.
Usually, I find that I have chosen very good friends, whose minds are equally misplaced.
Some such friends - the furthest lost minds I have had the pleasure of encountering thus far - are the wonderful @sidhewriter, @Eilish_Writer, and @AnnaFrancesConway. Go forth and acquaint yourself with them, if you have not already done so.
All that remains is for me to thank you for ploughing through this stream of pointless rambling in a vain attempt to find something of substance.
Also, I might take this opportunity to ask you: do you know where your mind is? If so, how soon can you lose it?
Once you do, please do not hesitate to speak up.
I'm sure we'll get along just swell.
That's everything, I think. You have a great day now.
  • Northern Ireland
  • JoinedJuly 9, 2013