The cheek, the nerve, the gall, the audacity and the gumption!
How dare you Wattpad? How dare you limit the number of announcements I can make a day, how dare you postpone my announcement to an hour after?
I am absolutely livid; the absolute nerve of this platform to limit my benevolant and long-awaited speech. How could my dear followers cope with my lack of best wishes? Too long they have waited for my announcement already, how dare you deprive them of this?
To all my dear followers, this is not my working, this is not my design. I am a mere pawn in the grand scheme of things and even I must bend to the rules governing this land. A foreign and strange land indeed...
Your very upset monarch
PS: only bedsheets woven with the finest Egyptian cotton could alleviate my sorrow, please direct them my way (400 to 700 thread count sheets only)