
Its been a Long time since i posted, just wanted to let anyone know ive moved over to Ao3, ive recently found that i dont really enjoy how this site seems to prioritize views and likes and it overall makes my writing worse and makes me want to do it less. If anyone wants the link here it is 


@Cool05guy2000 Thats sick, glad to hear. Im good btw, thanks for askin!


Its been a Long time since i posted, just wanted to let anyone know ive moved over to Ao3, ive recently found that i dont really enjoy how this site seems to prioritize views and likes and it overall makes my writing worse and makes me want to do it less. If anyone wants the link here it is 


@Cool05guy2000 Thats sick, glad to hear. Im good btw, thanks for askin!


Had a weird idea, Story based off the Divine comedy. But takes place after the death of god. Like similar happenings from the OG Divine comedy but takes place after it, and after the death of god. Why did I have this idea? I don't know, but you gotta admit it seems cool


Just wanna announce that today is my birthday, that's all have a great day yall!


@HunterOfTheMist Happy Birthday sweetheart 


Heyy sorry for popping up like this, but I am in search of some genuine reviews on my book " Emotions of a broken heart" If time permits can u pls check it out and leave valuable reviews. 
          It's ok if you don't, but if you do it's appreciated alot :) 
          Thank you have a great day