


I loved you, ik you think that i only loved you because you made me feel the love i was longing for. no, i loved you because you are the first reason i had to not give up on my life when i was in verge on ending my life, you're my reason, and you'll always be. i have always loved you, loved everything that you hated about yourself, i have always loved on how you always brush up your bangs then patting it down back, your silly tongue gesture when teasing, your random nose scrunchies, i dont mind getting slapped on the shoulder by you when you laugh, and when you're willing to risk everything... even if its our friendship; the memories that we had made together; our relationship. oh only if you knew how much i wanted to beg you to stay but i kept it all to myself. like you said, i should respect your decision, i should let you go as you asked. but how about my decision? i didnt want you to leave, but i have no choice, both of us were suffering in this situation of ours', but i know that ill only love one person until the day i die, and that's you my dearest, Angel. I love you with all my heart, I couldn't imagine myself in the future without you my love. I missed you, as time passes by, I'm missing you more, I miss you my home;my pahinga; my tinatangi. Goodluck on your journey, I'll always be here, and I will be always be proud of you.


@Hwangjinhyu dis is not me???!!!