
this message may be offensive
Hey guys! I will be republishing They’re Just Killers on here! If you have bought it and no longer have access to it please dm me if you didn’t receive your refund!!! I will need proof of purchase though so keep that in mind! I’m so sorry for this, I’m an idiot and very young and fucked up. So please forgive me! I will have the first book up today!


Thank god❤


            I'm Ava from NovelSnack. I recently came across your book " They're Just Killers"and was really impressed by your writing style and the story!
            We believe your work has great potential, and we'd love to invite you to sign with our platform so more readers can discover your talent. If you're interested in discussing the details, feel free to reach out anytime!


I'm not sure if anyone will ever see this, however, long story short; I got locked out if this account in 2020 when the security thing happened and you had to reset your password. I have tried several times throughout the years to get back into this account. I've opened so many support tickets. This is another account I made shortly after. Just wanted to tell whoever may see this that I am alive and well! If anyone is interested in like proof or anything I have some. Most of what I've written I've written on here. I can tell you how the They're Just series was supposed to end. But yeah that's it- I'm locked out of this account rip. I do still write sometimes lol.


@bonesbegone that makes sense. I thought you just abandoned this account 


I'm not entirely sure how to prove it but I have the original like account where I posted They're Just Killers on Amazon self publishing. I honestly kinda forgot about all this until recently so that's why I haven't really tried to say anything on here except once before. I don't think anyone saw it tho.


 Hii author me again.
          I saw this on the second book,(I read the 3 chapters btw)
          *Takes place 5 years after the 1 book*
          It says ' takes place 5 years after the first book' 
          I just can't help but wonder maybe .....you know..it's a clue or something. That it's gonna take you 5 years to come back. 
          Although I'm still a Wattpader that year maybe . So pleaseeeee come back . I wanna k kw so bad what happened next. This gas never happened to me before. The fact that the story I love us not finished hunts me in my dreams . 


@SherieMarizPTorrefie I'm alive and well lol, I've been locked out of this account since 2020.


@SherieMarizPTorrefie year 4/5, hopefully you're right on this one 


Hey author I really like your story. I just want you to k ow that if you ever wanna write again I will always be here to support you. 
          I was so excited reading the season 2 just to know it's just chapter 3 . You know that felling when you're life is just not complete. That's how I feel. Anyway I will wait till you write again. You're story was the best and I wish ..I just wish I could have more. 
          Love: Reader


@SherieMarizPTorrefie Hey! I'm locked out of this account, if you're interested I will tell you how I planned to end the second book/series.


Hi author! I really loved your series and wish, hope that you can continue! Your last update was three years ago so I wanted to ask; are you ok? I hope your doing well wherever you are!


I’m doing good, I’m locked out of this account. Haven’t been able to access it since 2020 and recently remembered it jejdjdjdjddj I’ve tried many times to gain access again but no luck 


Wow, it's been a long time since we heard from you if your on a different site i wish you would let us no, I think your two stories are amazing and I would be sad that your letting your talent go to waste 


I’m locked out of this account! But thank you, I honestly didn’t ever think my story would get popular at all and haven’t really thought about it till recently 