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Anyone who’s interested, here’s a FEW reasons why I don’t like Caleo.(PS, this is not meant to offend anyone, I’m just stating my opinion. Let’s not, m*rder each other over this please. Let’s be civilized, thank you.) I know it may be romantic, but there just wasn’t enough development for me. Yes, when I read the book I may have had a fan girl crush on Leo, but that’s not what was wrong with it. Here are my reasons. 1: Do you believe in “Love at first sight”? Cause I don’t. You may find someone attractive, but you can’t immediately LOVE someone. Yes, I know they hated each other, but that actually leads me to my next point. 2: The freaking human brain. She hated with all her soul, and then a few days later kisses him? Seems kind of suspicious to me. 3: Calypso is also a bit toxic. She HATED him. And, look, I understand why. She’s been on an island her whole life and been abandoned by every boy that is there. Imma be honest, that SUCKS. But, even if she didn’t honest to goodness hate him, it’s still not healthy or a good thing to take out your anger on people. That’s toxic. What’s she going to do when she gets angry again? 4: They barely knew each other. I mean, come on. And while swearing on the river Styx is a nice gesture, they barely know crap about each other. It’s too soon for that. Honestly, I would’ve been fine with it if it had more development. And I also wish we got to see more out of Calypso, as she’s kind of an important character here. But this is just my opinion. You can think what you want. I don’t care. THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TedTalk