My favorite book is Icefire by Chris D'Lacey. I have pretty awesome friends. I like all kinds of video games. I also like:
-just about any electronic
-romance with a twist stories
-exciting stuff, not including zip-lining
-and definitely not jellyfish
-why is food not on here?
-and pie!
I'm pretty sure that I got everything...
- You're a stalker just because you read this
- IscrittoJanuary 28, 2015
- website: Still stalking...
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HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Thank the pilgrims people! Now let's find the food...Visualizza tutte le conversazioni
Storie di Icefirezeus
- 4 storie pubblicate

Chance 1, Life 1 (Book 1 of the Chance At Life series)
Emma Thorne always wished that she would die the way she wanted: peacefully, and without blood. But... she also didn't want to be reincarnated.
+12 altre
2 Elenchi di lettura
- Elenco di lettura
- 19 storie
- Elenco di lettura
- 4 storie