
This is a shameless plug, pls follow me https://milliterateee.tumblr.com/ 


Hi I’m wondering if you were the author of Harry Potter and the Potion of Youth because I really loved that book and the sequel too. My best friend and I really want to reread them. Thx! :)


No, sorry, I’m not the author :( good luck in your search!


Your words were very inspiring. I saw a sense of myself in parts of it. I really hope that you get the chance to make a difference - a lot of people want to but don't really say it, I absolutely love that you were one of those people who wasn't afraid to admit it. :) 


Thank youuu <333 I hope I get to make a difference too:)


I hate the feeling when you see a penny on the ground, and, when you go to pick it up it actually ends up being super-glued to the cement so you look like an idiot trying to pick up an unpickable coin.


@IcyPanther  did that actually happen to you. Because someone has done that to me with a silver dollar. And i was TICKED


Realization of the Day:
          If someone who doesn't speak English as their first language, but knows all of our abbreviations and teenage "slang" that we use these days, kudos to them! I mean, learning English is hard enough as it is, but to even then learn all of our weird short-cuts as well? Like WOW, I don't even know what half of them mean, but if a foreign person who doesn't speak English that well DOES?
          You, my dear, are a very talented person.