
I haven't been on her in so long. or so it feels like it. lol I'm going to start working on finishing the books I have published in my spare time.


Was tagged by @onederstruck- 
          1: do you like someone? Nah don't feel like being tied down 
          2: Do they like you back: if I liked someone I'm sure they would ;) 
          3: Middle Name: Genelle 
          4: single or taken: Single(by choice)
          5: last person you texted?: God kidding my bestie 
          6: last song you heard: writing on  the Wall Sam smith 
          7: battery Percentage: round 50 
          8: Closest female friend: my best friend 
          9: closest male friend: No close male got keep them  at a distance 
          10: OTP?: Me and food okay okay honestly I don't have one sorry 
          Tagging: @-flights- @-secretlyperfect 


@Queen_Bee_Ne thanks i love your books and any time


@booklover82584  And thanks going honest :) your like the only one who says I they like it or not I appreciate it. 