
@TheSecretCrusade Francis huffed, holding the bottle out after pouring some into his glass of wine. His cabin was pretty simple, surprising enough- though the bed was rather spacious for one man. He sat in a chair, the delicate glass he held not exactly fitting with the wood and maps and swords on the desk- but hell, who said pirates couldn't be classy?


@TheSecretCrusade Francis huffed, holding the bottle out after pouring some into his glass of wine. His cabin was pretty simple, surprising enough- though the bed was rather spacious for one man. He sat in a chair, the delicate glass he held not exactly fitting with the wood and maps and swords on the desk- but hell, who said pirates couldn't be classy?


@TheSecretCrusade "Jou specifically stated," Francis cleared his throat, raising the pitch of his voice and mimicking Arthur's accent, "Loike ye doon't want it at all either.' EITHER MEAN JOU FEEL THAT WAS AS WELLLLL!!" He jerked away, rubbing his head, "Now. Have to brush my hair again, so creul.." He walked to his cabin, unlocking the door and slipping inside.


@TheSecretCrusade ((It's just a cute ship! I can imagine there'd be some sort of attempted murder at first from Oliver but he'd soften up quickly and they'd be adorable with their love of strange colored cakes and such.))
          Francis smirked, "Jou would like it~ I can see it on jour cute face, mon amour~" He leaned forward and kissed Arthur's cheek, before pulling away, "Need anything else?" His face had reverted back to the casual French pirate look, as if he hadn't done or said anything. He was good at that.