
Today is it apply now  to get in i'll be posting the winner today and the new chapter around saturday!


Hey guys what's up :) You should apply to be a character in my book! it doesn't have to be you! the contest ends in three days! One part is a gardain angel, anouther is the best friend of Stephanie! All the things you need to put to apply is in the chapter, you can comment, message me privalty, or message me here! I will go through what you wrote and chose two! You may not get who you want, but there will be more parts, runner up's will star in my next book as main characters or in different chapters! This ends in 3 days so hurry and apply! Love you guys lots xx
          (PS: Please don't be offened or mad if I don't chose you! Also if you are chosen I will privatly message you to find out more on how you want this character to be, like how they would act to certain things, whats the family life, etc.)


[Status] Awe, Darling, don't be so sour. Sure we'll notice, and be heart broken. You okay? 


Life is a bumpy road for me right now and really i need to focus on the things going on and I really will miss writing :( but sometimes you gotta just let go ... I might come back but for now I am just taking a break. I'm updating on last LONG chapter so look out for it... maybe I'll change  my mind but things are just kinda rough... I just don't have time to write like i want to.