
So I posted Chapter 14 of Faceless Youth.
          	Do I get a cookie?


Starting to really hate Wattpad. I just think this site is sucking a** way too much as of late. It also doesn't help that I work so freaking hard on my stories and ALMOST NEVER receive feedback/criticism etc. Tempted to delete this stupid account. Or just leave it up and never post anything ever again.  I doubt many of you would notice.


@destineelanai It's always good to get back in the swing.
          And I under stand the family stuff. Going through my parents' divorce was awful. NOOOOOO Never say you hate a family member! I always find that terrible @___@ As much as certain family members of mine can be...well...yeah...hating them is just wrong. In the end they're what you have, and it's good to work on your relationships with them. Familial relationships take JUST as much work, if not more work, than romantic relationships. It's the same process, just without the physical romance. Any kind of relationship takes work!


@InhaletheRainbow I completely understand :P I literally just got back into writing this week after MONTHS and i feel so rusty but at the same time it feels great to finally do what i'm best at again (even though, who says i'm a good writer anyway)... There's been a lot of family stuff making me super depressed (like my mom wants to get a divorce but she can't bring herself to tell my "dad" [oops i hate him])... well ANYWAY i've been super occupied but now things are a little more calm. What about you?