
Yay! I updated something! Chapter 23 on Unspoken Love is Published now go read!:)


Taking The Bite will also be updated soon!


Hey fellow Sterek lovers! If you are interested in reading a new Sterek story please check out "Beacon Hills" on my other account @Beacon_Author !!! I published it about 1 or 2 months ago. Currently I can't write any new chapters but once I can you'll be seeing more of my stories being updated as well as on this story! Thank you:-) Feel free to message or comment me questions or thoughts!


So as u guys may know school has already started for me since the 17 of August. I've been pretty busy with school work and I rarely get time to my self on the weekends. I've been stressed out this past week and a half. I'm sorry for those reading TTB and UL I promise I will TRY to update some time soon!


Hello my fellow followers! Lol! Its almost 3:30 in the morning and I just can't fall asleep!!! So I was wondering around on my account and noticed one account in particular @ciel3579 . This is my younger step bro and he is new to Wattpad! Go help him out by voting and commenting some feed back on his works! He may only be in the sixth grade but he knows how to write something interesting! He is currently away in Pennsylvania with some family of his, but he'll be back ready to update his stories! So please go check out his stories thanks:) 


Sooooo?!? I made a NEW cover for Taking The Bite! Like? Part of it got cut off do to me using a different app. But I'll look more into fixing that later. I wanted to change it up since the old one was getting boring tell me what you think... Will be trying to update my stories soon. Was at a summer camp all last week without wifi so couldn't update even if I wanted too... Well nighty night