yo my name's claudia and I never finish anything i start
im in like a million fandoms but i write for hetalia the most cause the characters are easy to write n im a lazy bitch
i chose my username because somebody once said making movies is like inviting someone into your imagination, and i like to think writing is the same way.
ig: irina.chernenko.official
tumblrs: gatoradeinthemorning, call-me-ish (asoue sideblog)
twitter: gatoradeinthemorning
snapchat: claudia11k (i rarely use it tho)
- canadia
- InscritJuly 13, 2015
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Sorry for not updating afilaw, writer's block has been kicking my fukcign ASS also im shitting myself over deutschland 83 again so as soon as i can im writing a martin/alex fic whooAfficher toutes les Conversations
Histoires par claudia
- 40 Histoires Publiées

The Musings Of A Meme
Basically my thoughts and shit. Kinda like a diary. Some of it is kinda personal. Warning: contains lots of g...