
Heheheh, changed my username so people I know don’t find it! This will be your last post from me! 
          	Your’s Truly~ 
          	Kat ♥️


I’m beginning to suspect my favorite fanfic writer may or may not actually read my stuff and also admire my work like I do hers, but that isn’t true.. RIGHT?? Like I am looking way too far into this.. but my mind won’t stop nagging me that one of her recent posts is about me....! I need to go to bed.. 


this message may be offensive
So it is almost 11 pm here and I’m sitting on the couch looking at ship comics, like you do, and I feel a tingling feeling on my leg, I look over and there is a spider crawling up my leg. Medium sized sucker (about 2.5 inches from its central point all around) so I flip shit, and smack my leg as hard as I can, I lift up my hand.. and it’s gone. No squished spider on me, so I, again freak out. How’s your day going?