
Hey there. It’s so weird reading my old stories... I wrote most of my stories in 2015 or 2016 and now, 3 to 4 years later, it’s weird, cringy and funny looking back. I’m probably going to reread some (and die while doing so). What I’m especially sorry about: the main characters name in My Beautiful Black Pearl is Kairi. That’s not even a freaking Korean name hahahahah but I didn’t know back then. Well there was a lot that I didn’t know back then. But I’m still glad that I wrote all this stuff... and I am truly thankful about every single like, comment and feedback. You guys are great. I’m turning 20 years old, this year. I’ve lived in Korea for 4 months and even speak a little Korean. I finished school a year ago. A lot of things happened since I was active here.... tell me about your biggest changes. 


@Belindxr wow that incredible! I wish you the best luck!


@ Iqualuit  I feel this so much! When you look at your old stories and just try to not cry about the strange stuff you wrote back then... Anyway it is pretty cool that you are living in Korea and seem to do something you like (?) I live since 6 months in Ireland and will stay 5 more - that's my big change after the school! 


Hey there. It’s so weird reading my old stories... I wrote most of my stories in 2015 or 2016 and now, 3 to 4 years later, it’s weird, cringy and funny looking back. I’m probably going to reread some (and die while doing so). What I’m especially sorry about: the main characters name in My Beautiful Black Pearl is Kairi. That’s not even a freaking Korean name hahahahah but I didn’t know back then. Well there was a lot that I didn’t know back then. But I’m still glad that I wrote all this stuff... and I am truly thankful about every single like, comment and feedback. You guys are great. I’m turning 20 years old, this year. I’ve lived in Korea for 4 months and even speak a little Korean. I finished school a year ago. A lot of things happened since I was active here.... tell me about your biggest changes. 


@Belindxr wow that incredible! I wish you the best luck!


@ Iqualuit  I feel this so much! When you look at your old stories and just try to not cry about the strange stuff you wrote back then... Anyway it is pretty cool that you are living in Korea and seem to do something you like (?) I live since 6 months in Ireland and will stay 5 more - that's my big change after the school! 


Hey there, yes I am alive. Thank you, all 111 people, for following me and reading my stories! It's such a long time ago that I was active on this platform but I still get so much feedback and I just want to let you know, that I'm extremely thankful for that. 
          For months by now I'm working on a new story and I'm thinking about publishing it... I have 13 chapters right now and I am almost finished :) what do you think? 
          I love all of you guys, have a great day! 


@Iqualuit ich bin froh überhaupt mal wieder was von dir zu lesen :D


@stockholm_phaenomen haha, ich dachte du würdest mir in den arsch treten, dass ich schon wieder was neues anfange xD


Können wir bitte darüber reden, wie lustig dieser Zufall ist?!
          An alle, die Kapitel 1 von meiner neuen Geschichte A Realer Man gelesen haben:
          Haeri und Matthew reden sogar noch ausgiebig von Jay Park und Matt misst sich mit ihm und dann trifft der echte heute Abend im Club auf ihn (er hat ein Bild auf Instagram mit ihm hochgeladen)! Finde ich total lustig xD
          Und meine zwei Lieblingsrapper zusammen 


Habe A Realer Man jetzt offiziell gestartet und freue mich, wenn ihr mal vorbeischaut~
          Freue mich über Kritik, Anregungen und Unterstützung, auch wenn ich noch nicht weiß, wohin mich diese Geschichte führt.
          Ist eine K.A.R.D FF und ich bin mir sicher, dass ich eine der Ersten bin, die zu der Band eine FF schreiben :) Aber Matthew hat mich reingezogen und ohne Kard gehts jetzt nicht mehr xD Ihr müsst die Band aber nicht kennen, das Buch handelt besonders vom Tanzen~
          Freue mich auf euch