
As promised I am back with a new update for one of my novel! I was away for travel but am back and do want to continue posting even once summer ends {2 days left of summer on the day I'm posting this} I will try to but I make no promises that it'll be very consistent so let's see! For now... enjoy this chapter for AD and stay tuned for the next update either for AD or DE!
          	Here's a link to access the fourteenth chapter of AD, enjoy my lovelies :)


As promised I am back with a new update for one of my novel! I was away for travel but am back and do want to continue posting even once summer ends {2 days left of summer on the day I'm posting this} I will try to but I make no promises that it'll be very consistent so let's see! For now... enjoy this chapter for AD and stay tuned for the next update either for AD or DE!
          Here's a link to access the fourteenth chapter of AD, enjoy my lovelies :)


Hello my lovelies! Another update has occurred and this time it's for Dark Embrace. As I mentioned in my previous announcement I am planning to redo the plot slightly, however so far no changes will occur to the current chapters released as they still fit the now revamped plot! However I do have a prologue, this is slightly important to read so do read it and the current chapters if you need a refresher of the plot so far!
          As for AD hopefully the next update I deliver will be an AD one!  Stay tuned darlings!
          Here's the link to access the prologue for Dark Embrace! Enjoy my lovelies and I'll be back soon!


As promised I did come with an update this time! Its an AD update! A loooong chapter 13 that I hope you all enjoy!
          I am planning on replotting DE ever so slightly so the first few chapters released will have some changes though I'm not sure when that will occur so I can't make an promises as to when it'll receive its next update, it will occur this summer I'm just not sure when I will reupload the chapters yet! I will keep you guys updated on that though! 
          Aside from the fact that I will be updating AD again soon with the next chapter so stay tuned!
          here's the link to access chapter 13! Enjoy my lovelies and I'll be back soon!


Hello, my lovelies! It's even ages since I last got on here with an update. Life has been crazy and while I know a lot of people hate that novels don't get updated, it's the raw truth.... I am planning to get back on the writing scene soon, though! I promise! I'm not sure when exactly, but it'll be at some point this month, so hang in there!


Hello everyone! Sorry for disappearing for so long but after Ramadan I ended up having to grind for my final and at the moment I'm in the middle of my finals season, I've got about 3 weeks left before they're over!  I didn't mean to not post an update, but things have been hectic! I do plan on coming back here and writing possibly around the middle of June! So do stay tuned for that, but until then, I'll try and update you guys here! Be sure to follow my Instagram account (linked on my page) to stay up to date with everything!


Hello! It seems to be that I only ever appear once a month huh? Life is just so crazy and hectic I only ever get to write here and there but I do try and upload at least once a month. Now I won't make any promises as to when I'll update next however I can say I want to try adn upload once again this month. April through to June will be hectic so I probably won't get more than a chapter out in those months but at the moment the goal is to get another chapter out in March!
          That aside its a dark embrace update this time! In this chapter we see glimpses of the past and Cas helps his parents come to a decision, we end the chapter by meeting someone very special ;) Hopefully I manage to update this one soon since it's getting good!
          Here's a link to the chapter:
          Stay tuned and let me know how you've all been 


Hello everyone! Sorry for going MIA there for a while but school was really difficult in Jan due to my early entry finals and straight after that I had unit tests from other subjects that ran into Feb! In my spare time I managed to write these two Assassin's dreams chapters! I do hope to post a bit more for the rest of the month and for March though it may slow down again in April as I prepare for finals!
          Anyway stay tuned for a Dark Embrace update at some point this week or next week! 
          Here are the links to the new chapters!
          Chapter 11:
          Chapter 12:


Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well! This month I was sitting my early entry finals so it was mega hectic but I just sat my last final today and thats it until May! So hopefully I'll be able to upload more consistently now that they're done at least come April since I'll be having the rest of my finals then!
          That aside I managed to write this chapter in my spare time here and there and I hope ya'll enjoy it! Though buckle up since its quite sad!
          Here's the link:


@Iris_Writes_Stories God I wish we were able to like posts!


Happy 2023 everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful new years eve and that the year is filled with nothing but joy and good health for you all! I am so thankful for everyone who stuck with me and remained even after my unannounced disappearance! This year I don't plan to vanish halfway through the year! I do plan to continuously update throughout the year as I altered my scheduele to fit some more writing time! Some months may be slower than others however it will be continuous! 
          I hope to bring you all some good books to read this year and I do apologize for not uploading  the other 2 chapters of AD as promised, I did mention a third book coming however that didn't happen due to celebrations and the break though it should come out at some point this month! Love you all and can't wait to start a new adventure with you guys!
          Ps. I updated AD with chapter 10 which is out now so here's a link if you wanna check it out!