hey so I cant post an announcement on my account cause my mom has Wattpad and it will notify her that I posted an announcement and i'm technically not allowed to be on here but i'm allowed to be on pinterest besides i'm just catching up on notifs. Anyways, I just wanted to say that i'm sorry for ghosting you and the rest of my friends..I really missed you guys but over this long break, i've learned more about myself and I feel whole again...sure my gf may have broken up with me but I discovered who I truely am. I'm a nonbianary bisexual demisexual who loves their friends. And allthough I may be enby, that doesnt mean that I hate dressing feminine. I also got a new best friend in my life which is my dog. I love her so much that I want to take her everywhere with me. But I just wanted to tell you that i'm doing so much better mentally then I was when I was last on here..I no longer think about hurting myself most of the time and i'm more social. I have a job that requires me being social and I've gotten multiple comments from customers saying how good I am at customer service. I'm sorry I abandoned you. But I love you and care for you. I may not be back for a while seeing as I have to get my permit before I do. But I will try to be back as soon as possible. I love you okay? And dont worry about me. I'm safe and happy. -Lin (my new online name) hey Iron. I dont know if you will respond or not but I want to let you know that I still care for you and I miss you a lot.