HELLO FRIENDS! Let me introduce myself, my name is Roberta Ramondini, and I am an Italian girl, who lives in northern Italy, I was born on August 20, 1990, and I am 34 years old.
And I am a writer and an illustrator. My stage name is Roberta Ramondini Author, and on Wattpad | Amazon | Patreon you can find me with the account: @Roberta_Author. I AM WAITING FOR YOU ON MY OTHER ACCOUNT! This account will remain stationary, until further notice.
On my social accounts you will find:
•Wattpad: Fanfiction and stories, written and invented by me, with some illustrations attached, SFW or NSFW censored, for free.
•Amazon: I will publish my unpublished stories, collected in several books being sage, starting from the new year 2025.
•Patreon: it will be divided into two levels: level 1 the NSFW illustrations that concern the stories, Wattpad Fanfiction, with unpublished illustrations attached to the stories read.
Level 2 NSFW Illustrations on the stories of my books that I will publish with Amazon. They will be unpublished Illustrations that you will not find inside my books, or those censored without censorship, obviously the Illustrations of both levels will be both attached to the stories read, and separate Illustrations.
You can find all my links in BIO! ⬇️
Thank you all for your support!