I just hope you know in my mind you will forever be reduced to the 2020 online friend group incident. I just want to know why you did it. What made you think it was a good idea? Just what was going through your head that made you think to fake a suicide? I don't understand you and I never will
Honestly I just wanna know why you did this. Im controversial. im finally accepting it. i did horrible stuff. but like i dont understand. im way past my angry hate days. now im just wondering why you even did it. i cant forgive or accept your apology cuz im just confused.
ok I know she’s not gonna see this but why is everyone accepting the apology and NOT pointing out the fact she literally killed people like… whether you accept the apology or not, it’s a really insincere apology when you consider that peoples LIVES have been on the line for this. deep it for a sec
thank you for caring. thank you for explaining. thank you for being around. finally thank you for still being my friend even now. i don’t think we need to talk any further because i have gotten my explanation and don’t need anything further.