
بِسْم الله 
          	Each time, my heart fills up with regret and my shoulders hang in shame. I know he is laughing at me. I know it! 
          	After a few hours he starts to tempt me again. Over the next few days he he builds up my temptation until I cave in. I sin. I realise he's done it again. I regret. And the cycle continues. 
          	Discover the full story with Quranic input in our new short publication: Tempted to Sin. 


السلام عليكم 
          I love the way u portray Islam very much. Its so reassuring to see that some people still care about introducing this religion. Nothing has ever been more influenced by injustice more than Islam. I wish people wouldn't see it the way they look at it


و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله 
            Thank you for the encouraging message. 
            May Allah Taala bless us all to see the beauty of Islam.  


بِسْم الله 
          Each time, my heart fills up with regret and my shoulders hang in shame. I know he is laughing at me. I know it! 
          After a few hours he starts to tempt me again. Over the next few days he he builds up my temptation until I cave in. I sin. I realise he's done it again. I regret. And the cycle continues. 
          Discover the full story with Quranic input in our new short publication: Tempted to Sin. 


بسم الله الرحمٰن الرحيم 
          Hadrath Shuqeeq bin Ibraheem (contemporary of Ibraheem bin Adham) radi Allah anhuma said that 
          A person's piety can be observed from three things: the way he obtains a thing, the way he avoids a thing and his speech. -Tareekh Damishq- 
          Some examples: 
          The Way We Obtain a Thing
          If one has failed a drivers license test repeatedly, temptation will tell us to offer a bribe, but piety will say No. 
          If we aspire to a promotion at work, do we start highlighting our colleagues' faults to the boss, in order to look good? 
          The Way We Avoid a Thing
          If a beggar approaches you, arrogance says treat him like he does not even exist but piety tells you have a soft heart for your brother and if you have to refuse him, refuse him with humbleness. 
          If we arriving from international airtravel, do we avoid customs duty by lying about commodity values?
          Our Speech
          Is our speech driven by self praise or false talks ? Or do we exercise humbleness and truthfulness in the way we talk ? 
          May we all make a conscientious choice of piety in the way we obtain a thing, the way we avoid a thing and or speech. 


بسم الله
          Hadrath Abu Hurayra and Imam ibn Sireen radi Allahu anhuma said, The house in which the Quran is recited the Angels become present at it and the Shaytaans exit it, and it's people are freed and its good is increased, and the house in which the Quran is not read the Shaytaans become present in it and the Angels exit it and it's people are constricted and it's good diminishes.-Ibn Abi Shayba in his Fadaail Quran 17 #6 #2 respectively-


( بسم الله الرحمٰن الرحيم ) 
          RasooAllah sallAllahu Alayhi wasallam said, There isn't any from amongst the Muslims who is afflicted with a problem then recites as Allah has instructed him
          إِنَّا لِللّٰهِ وَ إِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُوْن
          اَللّهُمَّ أَجِرْنِيْ فِيْ مُصِيْبَتِيْ وَ أَخْلِفْ لِيْ خَيْرًا مِنْهَا
           but that Allah makes for him goodness to result from it. 
          -Sahih Muslim-