OMG you Beautiful F*cking Wonderful Person I haven't heard from u in soo frigging long They finally gave u permission to unlock ur old account So how's it going? Your homegirl is doing fine xD @ItsCuzImBlackRight_

@ItsCuzImBlackRight_ And Idk why I don't respond on my message board >.> *pushes play on dramatic music*

@ItsCuzImBlackRight_ Awwww :*** gush You make speechless. You always levitate my bad mood. *smiles* And College is a real pain in my ar*se. o.o My ma has been breathing down my back to a point that I've been wishing to get ear plugs and if I snap my fingers, I wish I could be at another place just to hang out. Daaang! We even made a potato gun in class in the workshop, my friends and I but we accidentally punched a hole in the wall. The reason b/c something else other than a potato was put in the potato gun at the time, then went off and we punched a hole in the wall. >.> Like theirs literally a fricken hole right through our class room wall & our teacher said what we made could be used as a weapon and we basically made a cannon. -.- No duh - I was thinking. I don't know if we're even allowed to try creating weapons again but he seems like a relaxed teacher. So we might but my ma Oh boy >.> How I should be careful this. How I should be careful that. Sheesh la weez -___- if I wanna blow something up. I'll blow it e.e

Haha, missed you too babe. And I'm doing fine. Still beautiful as always, huh? How's it going with ya?