
So instead of making a restricted story. I just tossed the chappie in. So go check out "Mating" in "Falling For Ones Mate" The restricted scene is now in there.


OMG you Beautiful F*cking Wonderful Person 
          I haven't heard from u in soo frigging long 
          They finally gave u permission to unlock ur old account 
          So how's it going? Your homegirl is doing fine xD @ItsCuzImBlackRight_


@ItsCuzImBlackRight_ And Idk why I don't respond on my message board >.> *pushes play on dramatic music*


            Awwww :*** gush You make speechless. You always levitate my bad mood. *smiles* And College is a real pain in my ar*se. o.o My ma has been breathing down my back to a point that I've been wishing to get ear plugs and if I snap my fingers, I wish I could be at another place just to hang out. Daaang! We even made a potato gun in class in the workshop, my friends and I but we accidentally punched a hole in the wall. The reason b/c something else other than a potato was put in the potato gun at the time, then went off and we punched a hole in the wall. >.> Like theirs literally a fricken hole right through our class room wall & our teacher said what we made could be used as a weapon and we basically made a cannon. 
            -.- No duh - I was thinking. I don't know if we're even allowed to try creating weapons again but he seems like a relaxed teacher. So we might but my ma 
            Oh boy >.> How I should be careful this. How I should be careful that. Sheesh la weez -___- if I wanna blow something up. I'll blow it e.e


Haha, missed you too babe. And I'm doing fine. Still beautiful as always, huh? How's it going with ya?


Hm yeah. It'll be up soon.  @smaragdoula 


@smaragdoula Oh gee I'm trying here. Hopefully it'll be up this week. I'm swamped. There's actually one more plot twist, then their happily ever after


Hey girl!!! What's up?? I think it's time to update "Falling for Ones Mate". 3 moths ago I told you that I will give you a week and then I will break your nerves until you update (with a good meaning) but I had to move to another country for University. So... here I am commenting so you will consider to update the story in Christmas. All I want is to give them an end. I think Blake and Sky deserve a happily ever after, don't you thnk? Please please please update. One chapter. The epilogue.