
hello! it has been quite a while, i have diecided to start activly working on my writing again !! i hope everyone has had a lovely year so far.


I will not be online for a long while. I am not sure if any of you know who he is, or care for that matter; but Alexander "Technoblade" is dead. He posted a video about and hour or two ago titled "so long nerds" where his dad reads his final video and talks about him. Even if you don't like him, He saved a lot of people, including myself. He battled with stage four cancer all the while being a youtuber. You feels completely un real and I just want to wake from from this shitty nightmare. I wanted to put this out there so if you liked him and weren't aware of the situation you can be, and understand it will the hard on the community so if you have friends that are in the community you can offer your condolences. Here is where I would usually say to have a good day, but today isn't going to be. Just hug your loved ones and cherish everything and all the time.  
          Alexander "Technoblade"


Hello! i havent been updating a lot right now i know, im workingon a new part right now though! i just thought i would also say thank you for 14k on tiktok and that i now have a twitch! ( ) Love you all! have a good eve!