Hi! I wanted to message you about BoR. I understand that you may have been busy, but the due date for opinions has been extended three times now, and I’m attempting to crack down upon people not doing them. They were due tomorrow, but it has been extended to the fifteenth. I understand that you may have missed this, but if Seong-Jin’s opinions aren’t done by the fifteenth, I am going to have to remove him from the applyfic. If you are busy, please don’t stress over this, it is perfectly fine to not be able to do it, but I have been putting off beginning writing for a bit, due to opinions not being done, and I’d rather be told if you’re unable to commit :). This isn’t me saying you’re getting kicked out, but if your opinions aren’t done by the fifteenth, I will have to remove Seong-Jin from Bed of Roses. I’m sorry to send this on your message board, but with the pm option being removed, I didn’t have much of a choice. Thank you for your time :)