
Thank you all for reading my Dominion FF. I am truly thankful! I'll be posting the next chapter tomorrow morning. x (once again, thank you.)


@Izaamie6277 you NEED to finish writing your dominion FF I'm in love with it I KEEP READING IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN IM WAITING FOR THE NEXT CHAPER :< though it was like a few years ago 


Thank you all for reading my Dominion FF. I am truly thankful! I'll be posting the next chapter tomorrow morning. x (once again, thank you.)


@Izaamie6277 you NEED to finish writing your dominion FF I'm in love with it I KEEP READING IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN IM WAITING FOR THE NEXT CHAPER :< though it was like a few years ago 


@Alpha_With_A_Pack Ahaha everyone knows his hot ;3 btw DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING! I'm at my dads and is stuck not watching season 2!!!! :( DONT SAY ANYTHING! *evil glare* SICK!! Can I be in the story AND be damons girlfriend?!? ;D *wink wink* hehe! About to spend the night at my pops, WITH NO INTERNET! D: wish me luck... IZAAMIE LETO OUT! *flies away*


Haha guys i have to tell you something i looked at isaac and derek and i made a vote ......... Sorry jamie but DEREKS A HOTTY !! isaac looks like a cat thats been run over :P just joking his cute but derek is hot sexy :)xx nice choice kiara