1. I won't deny your second argument.
2. I'm gonna be a hundred percent real with you bro... Until this day, I didn't even know the poodle had a f**king name. So I didn't even know she was hated, least not to the same degree of the fat spider-man and zestiest pimp to walk hell.
3. You said it yourself, she and her friends has ONE episode of revelevance. So even if I did consider adding them to a harem that I'm not confirming, nor denying. I don't have sh*t to work with. So if I wanna add character, I gotta build that MF myself. And again between you, me, and the motherf**ker that for some reason reads this comment... I'm not really that of a creative person.
However if YOU, personally, want this... I
can probably work in some flirting, maybe a little uhhhh... "cultural business" in the chapter of QUEEN BEE...