
I'll back to spazzing soon! Merry Christmas^  :)))


          I'm just a fan. I'm always here for them no matter what happens, always supporting them, defending them from those imma fans, keep on loving them even they don't know I'm exist. The sad truth, oppa doesn't know me. I'm just a fan so I don't have the right to be angry if they're dating someone. I'm a kind of a fan that can respect my idols, they said sasaeng fans are the real fans because they do anything just to know every part of their idol. But hell no! Our idols were just like us, a person who needs privacy, of course we can't stop them liking someone. It's really sad to think but one day, our bias, they will have their own family, wife, kids. But like what I've said I'm just a fan, so wether I like it or not I need to accept the reality.
          -Fangirl, Jazz