
Hi... @JOOAN95ZEHA97's. I so happy that u like n added my ff MY HUSBAND AND SON SUFFOCATED BY MY CARE to ur reading list. But I'm sorry... to disappoint u but I didn't find u post the updates on this ff in my wattpad. So, dont u mind telling me that r u ok with reading it on insta??... I'M SORRY... FOR NOT UPDATING.. GOT STUCK ON PERSONAL WORK..


Hey *waves hand*
          Thank u for adding my book to ur reading list but it was the very name of the list that made me invade ur msg board uninvited hehe. I haven't discontinued or abandoned the book, just a little lae in updating than scheduled, rest assured ill update soon ❤️❤️ make sure to read it *thumbs up*


that long title of your reading list and you add my book there. Anyway thank you but I'm not on hiatus and I didn't disappear lmao :)


@JOOAN95ZEHA97 lol it's alright. That happens :) 


@zeta_epsilon it I did it by mistake