
Chapter 13- Child of the North is now online!
          	In this chapter Flick awakens on the clifftop and finds she has been joined by two others.  Who are they?
          	But before she has the opportunity to understand more of what has happened to both herself and Peter, the dragon returns.
          	As the plot begins to unravel, Flick finds herself with new purpose and drive. 
          	I look forward to hearing your feedback, 
          	Have a lovely evening, JPM


Chapter 13- Child of the North is now online!
          In this chapter Flick awakens on the clifftop and finds she has been joined by two others.  Who are they?
          But before she has the opportunity to understand more of what has happened to both herself and Peter, the dragon returns.
          As the plot begins to unravel, Flick finds herself with new purpose and drive. 
          I look forward to hearing your feedback, 
          Have a lovely evening, JPM


Well here we are, just over 300 views and lots of great comments - and some really constructive ones, too.  I appreciate one and all so thank you.  Huge thanks must go however to @DavidJThirteen who has given me the sound advice of steering clear of an info dump in the first few chapters.  So I have updated the first three chapters accordingly and it all sits much better!
          The story continues into Part 3, creating the link between this world and the Lost Lands and in this chapter, we return to the top of the cliff and find out what happens when Flick finds her friend Peter lying at the feet of the huge black dragon... so please read on. 
          Have a lovely week, from JPM still in the heart of rural England (v rural...).


@JPMarch I will have to have a look at the new version before continuing on. And thank you so much for the dedication! I am honored!


I hope you have enjoyed the first 4 chapters of The Circle of Twelve. What happened to Peter up on the cliff? And why? The story briefly returns to the tiny village of Scallsworth Handy with some of the back story before both Flick and Peter faced the dragon.  But who is the owner of the Voice in Flick's head?  Please read on..  
          Meantime, I'm going to read some of yours - have a great weekend all. And thank you for your kind and encouraging words :) I am now to this and wish I had done it sooner!


Good morrow to all from Middle England. And for the weather update? Its raining..  
          Off to work some magic in the kingdom known here as the NHS (the National Heath Service).  Let us hope my patients turn up today. Meantime I have a new book or two to delve into! And, of course, you are welcome to delve into mine. 7 years into writing The Circle of Twelve and I am 3 chapters from the close.  Have a great day x JPM


Thank you JPMarch for the comment on WHN. I will get to reading more and commenting more, I'm still figuring out how to do all the stuff on Wattpad, and I will get to reading all my followers' stories and vote and comment as soon as I can. It may take me awhile--but I'm gonna do it! Cheers!


Back to the grindstone - another professional magazine article to write. At least it keep my fingers tapping.  Back to editing The Circle of Twelve later. Hope you are all having a good day - sunny here in middle England. Too many aphids tho :(


A good day at work - completed an article for a magazine on visual impairment (work related, obviously). Hope you all had a good day too! Now, back to reading after the boys are in bed. I have @RichardRHarley's SMART to step back into and @kateudahy's Hal to keep me going till midnight. Happy reading, all x


@JPMarch Great stuff! :) Thank you btw! I'm excited to hear more of your thoughts!! 