I've been absent. My writing has pretty much full-on stopped as I navigate a new path in life. It's a bit crazy right now, but I am hoping to metaphorically pick up pen and paper and start writing again soon. Any reading suggestions in the meantime?
Yikes! It's been a crazy month and I've horribly neglected announcing the winners for the most embarrassing crush story. The #WattpadBlockParty was so much fun and I want to say a huge thanks to everyone who participated in my little activity. @johannahefer @Vintage_3 @MsEminence @zen123753951 @SassyWarrior @StilesIsMyHusandx and @Swarnima_Sth thanks for telling me your stories! After much deliberation I've decided to name the winner @SassyWarrior - your story made me cringe soooo much! Periods are the WORST and usually create embarrassing moments - I know I have a few.
My first awkward date was with my husband. We were dating about a month by then. We went to the movies and dinner afterwards. On our way to the restaurant we went up escalators. I wore the most beautiful dress with stockings that came up just above my knee. Well, on our way up the left leg's stockind decided to roll down. Lol, oh my gosh it was so embarrasing. So I tried to keep it to stay above my knee. But to my dismay it didn't. I walked like a stupid soldier with my hand glued to the side to try and keep it up. Once at the restaurant I went to the ladies and 'fixed' the problem. Needless to say as soon as we went down the escalators it started rolling down again. Only years afterwards my husband told me that he saw my my little tug-of-war. Hahaha we still have a great laugh at this❣
Well, the kiss is more like a peck on the lips! But those count right? Anyways I had a crush on a guy in my soccer class. I would always try to come up with something to talk about since we only see each other in that class and that class only. In December I would occasionally ask him if he's gone to the Christmas Tree lane where we are able to gaze at the houses full of Christmas lights. He would always say no and I would try to hint to him to take me, but he would just not get it! So before the last day of that class, I really wanted to ask for his number but I ended up asking him in social media. I was more like the chaser and he was the mouse. lol, we would find the time to go out together and one night he dropped me off at my apartment. Before getting off his truck I told him before closing the passenger seat "that next time we meet he better kiss me". He told me he was trying to all day but that I would always lean away or try not to! Which is true, because I've never been kissed before!! So anyways I just closed the door after that and started walking to my door but next thing I knew he opens his door and gets off and tells me "Hey come here". I looked at him all surprised and nervous. I walked back to him slowly and before he can grab me for the kiss I pushed him back a bit and told him "okay wait" and I took a small breather before grabbing him for the peck!! It was so embarrassing and awkward and I just hugged him and said goodbye before dashing to my apartment door. When I got inside I told my roommates about what went down and they just burst out laughing but they knew it was my first kiss so they understood why I was so nervous. I regret giving him my first peck though!! haha
I was just about to post my crush story, but after reading a few I came to realize mine isn’t as good as some that are already posted XD
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My first crush was in class six and I liked him for the whole year...but I was supposed to keep it a secret however I used to do this sort of shit like sit with him and try to talk to him and people sort of got to know about it but apart from that one of the most embarrassing situations with him ( cause I have many ) will be when once we were lining up to go to the assembly and the class was a chaos. So I was trying to manage everyone (like a class captain ) and I was asking my crush to be in the line and then my class teacher spoke up and told him and his exact words in English -"" go stand in the line or she will give you a kick and then punch you!!"" I was a tomboy and played taekwondo so he said that stuff but it was more embarrassing cause my crush was a top class taekwondo player himself and then every one started laughing much to my humiliation !!!!! Huh !! Till this date I wish I forget all about that year !!!
@JS_Nox yup we became sort of friends.....like we used to discuss taekwondo moves and all... But then the year in class 8 we did not talk like at all and then he left the school. Have not seen or spoken to him since ....its been almost 3 years ......but you know how first crush is ... U always remember the first one :p .
My first awkward crush was on boy named Andrew. I had know him since we were babies. At first I thought of him more like family since our family was close friends. He had told me he thought I was pretty and that made my 6th grade heart jump with joy. We were getting ready to confess to the priest for our first communion, but I started getting pain in my stomach. I thought nothing of it of course. The lady told us to all stand up, and go get our food. While getting my food the lady comes up to me and says "Natalie, are you on your period?" I replied with no because I had never had it. She shows me the chair and it has blood on It! I was wearing black pants that day so know one could see I was on my period. The lady puts the chair against the wall and tells me to go change. As soon as I go outside I see Andrew touching the blood one the chair. He looks up at me and asks" who put ketchup on the chair?" I literally died on the inside. My sister busted out laughing and told him that was period blood, and he threw up from touching it! Needless to say I avoided him after that due to humiliation! That's my story.
@SassyWarrior I am speechless!! Wow, that's a rough one. Are you still friends at least?
When I was in seventh grade I had my first crush with this nice boy. Since he was new to US I had to help him or trial ate to him, so we sat besides each other. I talked to him like I did with my other friends. One day one of his friends said he had a girlfriend but I didn't belive him because he like to mess with me and everybody else. I even told my best friend. But one day I saw him hugging one of my eight grade friends and I ask them what was going on and I found out they were dating. Since then I don't talk to him like I used to.
@VaneLoveSGF No, this happened last year. I actually haven't saw him sin the beginning of this year. Idk what happen to him and my friend goes to another school now, so I don't see them anymore.
@VaneLoveSGF are you still in class together? That's always tough finding out that your crush likes or is dating a friend.
@JS_Nox My First Awkward Crush. I was in seventh grade when i had my first crush. We were in the same class. He sat right in front of my eye line. We didn't talk much but he was polite enough to give me a small smile when we crossed our paths. And even in our very very small conversations, he was the sweetest. I had a crush on him and I didn't even know it until much later. I added him on facebook and basically stalked him. liked almost all of his posts and statuses and pictures. i did the same thing with my sister's account. And then, the next thing I knew, he was avoiding me all costs :'( It was so awkward when our eyes accidentally met or we passed by each other in the halls. The interactions became non-existent and loking back, i'm kinda glad for the now. The crush lasted for months even though we had zero contact. Thank god I'm over him now, or am I?
@Swarnima_Sth Sounds like maybe you have moved on. By the way, it's great you have such a positive attitude about his girlfriend. :) I've found that that's the best way to approach the situation. I had a really good guy friend who I had an huuuuge crush on. One day he introduced me to his girlfriend - I was crushed, but ended up becoming friends with her. Positivity is always the best road to take!
@JS_Nox kinda, maybe? we still go to the same school and see him everyday. but he has a girlfriend and they're the cutest couple in the whole year. my heart don't burst whenever i see him now, so yeah.