this message may be offensive
Life is so fucking hard, I’m not inspired to do anything anymore and no one wants to talk to me. I feel like a useless peice of shit, and according to my family that’s what I am. I’m never good enough, I’m shit at everything and I can’t even do the simplest things. It’s never “I’m so proud of you” it’s always “but have you seen your sister, she has much more talent, Maybe you could learn from her.”
I just want to end it all, I don’t see why not, no more suffering, no more sadness, no more life, and that’s what I want. The moment my parents found out I was self harming they didn’t bat an eye but my sister, therapy, antidepressants even though she’s faking for attention. I swear what do I have to do to be better, what’s wrong with me? What do I have to do to be less of a failure? Why can’t I be happy?
People say suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem but what if it’s not temporary. What if I can never truly be happy.
I’m saying this because I’m desperate for someone to talk to, desperate for someone who cares.
Please. My snap is jung_shooketh.